Good Things Come in Small Packages
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About Our Work
Gem Alchemy offers a range of hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind wrist wraps & necklaces for women & men in various forms & colors — designed with hand-drilled choice stones, hand-dyed silks & rune symbol charms each selectively sourced from all over the world. Charles unites these elements intuitively to create high-resonating jewelry that carries healing & activating properties via the stone & rune selection, alchemically infused within his artistic creations. They can be custom-wrapped & adjusted as desired — elegant, stylish & powerful artistic statements that are light to the touch & as unique as each wearer.
Wrap yourself in alchemized luxury.
Charles Fletcher
What We Create

Wrist Wraps
Elegant Wraps That Go With Everything
The Wrist Wraps can be applied by placing the stone where desired on your arm —then gently wrapping the silk ribbons on the top and bottom in any pattern you wish. They are fastened with a loop & Triskelion charm button, and the length can be adjusted easily.

Beautiful Creations For Any Occasion
The Necklaces can be applied by placing the stone to your desired placement location —then gently adjust the length and position via the slip knot located on the silk ribbon. You can change the length each time as desired.
What we do
Jewelry Made With Love
Charles Fletcher’s jewelry line (launched in August 2019) includes a suite of elegant, hand-crafted necklaces and wrist wraps. He actively continues creating new pieces each week. Charles personally sources energetic stones, silk wraps, beads, and symbolic metal charms from all over the world to create his unique energetic jewelry. Each piece carries a powerful presence — intensionally imbued with love, prayers and activating energies during its creation through vibrational alchemy, which become artistic and decorative adornments that are also energetic activation tools when worn.
Charles also offers custom-created jewelry — collaborating with the client end their choices of available materials that he intuits into a unique creation just for them.
What we do
More About The Jewelry
People have experienced the vibration inherently in the jewelry, and are drawn to choose specific pieces due to their own personal energy signature coupled with what’s resonant in each piece (via design and specific stone/rune/color); by wrapping the jewelry on their body they merge energetic fields between the jewelry and themselves–which stimulates a further energetic activation within the wearer to assist in heightening their spiritual consciousness.
Each distinct stone has an innate high-vibrational property and energetic quality. Charles also further activates them with sacred symbols that carry profound energies he learned from 2 spiritual Masters he engaged with:
- Ancient symbolic runes: learned from his deep ongoing spiritual work in the Romanian Ancient School of Wisdom with Tamarinda Maassen, Ambassador to Agatha (a Master Healer and Teacher of many ancient mystical traditions and disciplines, Tibetan, Sufi, Druidic, and others)
- Sacred 11:11 Symbols (Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation) learned via symbols books, sacred ceremony and conferences together with Chief Golden Light Eagle (a Lakota Wisdom Keeper and Code Carrier of Turtle Island North America and host of Star Knowledge Conferences who taught about our direct connection to the Star Nations People)
Custom-Created Pieces: How It Works
Contact Us
Book a free consultation directly with Charles to discuss your interest, elements, price range & other details. See link below for more details.
Elements Selection
Charles will then collaborate with you to choose the best combinations of stones, beads, symbols, silk wraps, charms & other items that are just what you need for your alchemical alignment.
Design Your Jewelry
Charles will hand-build the custom piece to order, infusing it with high-vibrational energy & activating the combination of energetic properties chosen from the stone, colors & symbol combination.
Exclusive Collection
Hand-Crafted, Energy-Activated Jewelry Only by Gem Alchemy CreationsTestimonials
“Something about Charles & the jewelry he’s creating is quite exceptional, & I am honored to gift my daughter with a piece that I know that she will treasure & will provide much benefit & comfort to her.”
“I was really attracted to the combination of silks & stones & symbols… it felt great when I picked it up & was fun to wrap on my wrist in my own way. I felt some kind of energy coming from it & also got an education from you about the certain stone & rune & the energies those carry. I love my new wrist wrap, feels light & easy on my arm, & love the combo of strong & soft materials… kinda like the blending of masculine & feminine energies… I think both women & men could wear them, & cool that the wrap can also be worn as a necklace etc. It makes me feel elegant & love the empowerment of the stone & rune I chose. Thanks, all your pieces are so beautiful.”
Custom-Created Pieces:
“Charles made necklace & wrist wrap for me using Shungite stone. The quality is amazing & I love the details with the beads & closures. I would absolutely recommend him for any jewelry piece you are seeking. He uses very high-quality materials… and goes thee extra mile to make sure these pieces will be right for you. I wear the bracelet wrap every day. It definitely helps me to feel confident & calm knowing that negative energy won’t linger around me.”
“I love all these pieces but absolutely ADORE the one you custom-made for my daughter at my request. I saw that first pic & that is it! You got it perfect, I know that she will love it. My jaw dropped when I saw it!…OH MY GOSH, do I LOVE this wrist wrap! I was going to wait to give as a birthday present but can’t resist making an early gift of it. It is spectacular & especially so that it was handcrafted by you. The inscription on the card is divine, I feel its power already & am eager for her to have this as well. I was just so overjoyed to receive this & each step of opening it brought tears to my eyes, so nicely packaged. Thank you again so very much!”